Thursday, February 16, 2017


Wake up and start the day,
with the best way to thrive. 
Go get dressed and put on your waders,
swap out your work boots for wading boots. 
Those jobs at work can wait until later,
slow down for a bit get back to your roots. 
Pack up the gear and be on your way,
get in the car and begin to drive. 
The thought of work makes you quiver, 
so the decision was made not to go. 
Instead decide to spend the day on the river,
no one cares if you decide not to show. 
Day in day out you always question why, 
this days been long overdue. 
Before you arrive you've picked out a fly,
tied the night before and completely new. 
Get to the water and breathe in the fresh air,
some things in life are too good not to enjoy. 
You know time away from work is rare,
smile again just like when you were a boy. 
With every cast you patiently wait,
because river time always goes by too fast. 
Finish each cast with a figure eight, 
fish or no fish you still have a blast. 
Months on end you wait for that bite,
you still keep trying with no rhyme or reason. 
Waiting for the moment you feel the fight,
keep on trying it's still early in the season.
Just as you think you can't take anymore, 
a fish latches on and takes you for a ride. 
Fish don't care if you're rich or poor, 
and as you land the fish you're struck with pride. 
Releasing it quickly to swim once more, 
the smile you have won't go away. 
Ask yourself what are you waiting for, 
pack up a rod and go fish for a day.